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The Rabun Pickleball Club is grateful for our Sponsors and for everyone who has contributed to this project.  We also appreciate the fabulous site donated by the county in the 125-acre Rabun Rec Department. 

Players and non-players, businesses and Foundations have contributed to this grassroots project.  Our club is working tirelessly to complete this state-of-the-art venue for Rabun County which will serve all ages and all levels of players for many generations.

 Legacy Sponsors

T I T A N I U M   P I C K L E

Mr. and Mrs. Van Flecher
A Place of Hope and Women of Worth Ministries


Vulcan Material Company

P L A T I N U M  P I C K L E

Charles and Pamela Carver

G O L D  P I C K L E

Richard M and Linda H. Lincoln


JK Lockwood Construction, Inc


Kirk and Kathy Knous
F.A.I.T.H. Ministries

S I L V E R  P I C K L E

Steve Raeber


Lake Burton Civic Association Foundation

Mark Swiecichowski

Lake Rabun Association

Habersham EMC

Greg and Tammy Shumate

Larry Walker & Beth Walker

The Raymond Pago Family 


Nicole Dover

Sandy Simon & Christy Collins
aba Rabun Investors LLC


Jason Carter / Sea Sun Vacations

B R E A D  &  B U T T E R  P I C K L E

Jef and Kathy Fincher

GVickers Enterprises, Inc (Gregory Vickers) ?

Pittman Construction

Rabun County Bank

Ski Patriots of Lake Burton

Mark Price

Cassandra Clouser

S W E E T  P I C K L E

Joan King and Kevin G. Salwen

Compass USA, Ltd. (Clark Scherer)

Stewart and Carol Swanson

Gordon Van Mol

Eugene Caso

Bill and Suzanne Mandler

Heyward and Sue Wells

Stephen Arbitter (?)

Regina Verani

Drew Leviton

Louise Leviton

Ken and Wanda Gray

Althea A. Bleckley

Gene and Tracy Barry

Danny Burch

Chris Clay Contracting

Kim Farner Insurance Agency, LLC

Mountain Lake Medical Center

Meg Kremer

John D. McDaniel/Certified Instructor

David McKinney

Peter Pomeroy

Poss Realty

United Community Bank

John and Peggy Salay

Bob and Patricia Sheehan

First American Bank and Trust

Rex and Vicky W. Veal

MedLink Georgia, Inc

Jeff and Kim Willis


From the Board of Directors and Fundraising Committee

"We have been so impressed with the response from the community and the generosity of giving.  We will enjoy this pickleball facility for many generations.  We feel that donating our time to fundraising is worth it.  It has brought our club, and our community together."

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Images may not be used without permission.

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